Enjoy Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy; It's often viewed as the most memorable experience a woman will experience. There are so many joys of carrying a child in my womb, and it's hard to pick just five that I enjoy. I wanted to get to the positive memories of pregnancy, especially because I am now in my ninth month. In the ninth month of pregnancy, all we seem to see is more stretch marks, visiting the bathroom more, and waking up with back pain. However these are the last days of my pregnancy, and I refuse to complain about it, but rather embrace it!

The Move: Going all the way back to about the fourth month of pregnancy, I started feeling movement. It was little flutters that at times felt more like a belly growl than anything else. Now that my stomach is as big and round as a bowling ball, if not bigger, I really feel my baby. It is amazing to not only be able to feel him move, but even better, identifying what he is doing. By this point in my pregnancy, I can actually feel a foot, hand or knee, and recognize a head and back. I can picture his position based on the body parts I can identify with a slight push of a hand. It is breath taking, and truly enjoyable.

Looking How I Feel:
In the beginning of my pregnancy, it was hard to tell that I was pregnant. As a matter of fact, I lost a lot of weight! Then there were those people who didn't know I was pregnant, and when i started to gain weight, thought it was just that. Now, there is no mistake; I am pregnant! You could never deny that this belly is in fact carrying a baby, and not just a few extra pounds. What a relief! gaining weight is finally acceptable, and rewarding...who knew?

Healthy Hair:
Each pregnancy blesses me with longer, stronger thicker hair. The reason is not clear to me. there are those who say it's from the prenatal vitamins. there are those who say it must be the added nutrients from a healthier lifestyle. Even some would say that the placenta has something to do with it. All I do know, is I enjoy the lovely tresses that pregnancy brings on.

Remembering My Dreams: I don't know if you are like me, but before pregnancy, only certain dreams stayed with me after I woke up. On most mornings, I would wake up without a clue of what i dreamed about that night. However, with all three of my pregnancy, i have enjoyed vivid dreams, and waking up almost every morning remembering them! Many people attribute this to the hormones in a pregnant woman's body. Whatever it is, I love it. For the most part, I dream about my husband, and because he can't spend every night at home right now, is a true blessing!

Many other woman admit to having dreams of their ex boyfriends, and have said it sets them straight and gets them over the past. I too have experience all the ex boyfriend dreams, but my favorite are the ones that feel real, and make me wake up feeling like I just had a night on the town with my husband.

Having A Baby That Doesn't Wake Me Up:
So many people have come up to me asking if I was ready for my baby to come yet. I am a mother of two boys right now. I CAN wait! Not that I don't look forward to this beautiful baby being born, of course i do! But, I look on everything that I can enjoy right now, and sleep is definitely one of them. except for the fact I get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom, due to added pressure on the bladder. All in all though, I enjoy the pregnancy, knowing my baby is being taken care of, and I don't really have to do too much for him right now. I mean, there are no extra diapers, no midnight feedings, no colicky nights, and no extra laundry to care for. I think that since my seventh month of pregnancy, I have learned to no want to hasten the process. There are many joys of baby being right here, in my belly!

This is the time, ladies, to feel good, enjoy life, and glow! Don't get sucked into the anxious way of thinking, only focusing on the stresses of pregnancy, and robbing yourself of the little joys of it. Your baby will come, and when your eyes meet, it will be magical, a true blessing from god. Until then, enjoy these moments, when your baby is one with you.

Melissa B, Yahoo! Contributor Network