Miscarriage.about.com. Although first-trimester miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss, several different types exist.
1. Chemical Pregnancy
Despite the name, a chemical pregnancy is not a false pregnancy or a false positive on a pregnancy test -- it is a very early miscarriage. Doctors believe chemical pregnancies are usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities.
2. Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancies happen when a fertilized egg implants someplace other than in the uterus, such as the fallopian tubes. Sometimes risk factors exist but other times the cause is unknown. Symptoms include severe abdominal cramping and dizziness.
3. First-Trimester Miscarriage
First-trimester miscarriage, sometimes called spontaneous abortion, is very common but also heartbreaking for most moms. It's normal to have a lot of questions about signs of miscarriage, diagnosis, miscarriage causes, treatment and risk factors.
4. Blighted Ovum
A blighted ovum is a miscarriage in which the baby does not develop, but a gestational sac continues to grow and the woman may continue to experience pregnancy symptoms. A blighted ovum can be a missed miscarriage treated via D & C or may end naturally.
5. Missed Miscarriage
A missed miscarriage is a pregnancy loss, usually in the first trimester, in which the doctor diagnoses the miscarriage based on lab results or other clinical evidence but the woman has not have definite miscarriage symptoms.
6. Molar Pregnancy
Molar pregnancy is a scary condition that causes pregnancy tissue to overgrow, and the fetus does not develop normally. Molar pregnancies never develop normally. The cause is a chromosomal abnormality that occurs at the time of fertilization.
7. Second-Trimester Miscarriage
Late miscarriages, such as those in the second trimester, can happen for a number of reasons. Causes might be chromosomal abnormalities, cervical insufficiency, congenital birth defects, placental problems or other factors.
8. Preterm Delivery from Cervical Insufficiency
Incompetent cervix is a medical condition in which the cervix dilates too early in the pregnancy, resulting in pregnancy loss or premature birth. Learn about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis procedures and future treatment to prevent miscarriage.