Having a miscarriage is a
difficult experience for couples to overcome, both physically and mentally, but
most are eager to try to conceive again as soon as possible after the loss. It
is not clear, though, how long a couple should wait before attempting to become
pregnant after miscarriage to maximize their chances of a healthy pregnancy.
A new report by researchers
at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland suggests that sooner may be better.
The scientists found that women conceiving within six months of a miscarriage
have better chances of a successful and complication-free second pregnancy than
women who conceive later. But the conclusion is contrary to an earlier report
from Latin America that found higher pregnancy rates among women who waited at
least six months to conceive; that report formed the basis of the World Health
Organization's (WHO) 2005 recommendation that women delay pregnancy for six
months after miscarrying.
Since then, however, the WHO
has called for more studies on conception after miscarriage, and the new
Scottish study is the first attempt to provide better data on optimal timing
for women. Dr. Sohinee Bhattacharya, an obstetrician at the University of
Aberdeen, led an analysis of more than 30,000 Scottish women in the national
health registry who had lost their first pregnancy but were able to conceive a
second time. In line with the WHO's advice, she found that a larger proportion
of women (59%) conceived six months or longer after miscarriage, compared with
41% who became pregnant within six months.
But the latter group, it
turns out, was less likely to miscarry again and more likely to have a live
birth. Women who conceived within six months of their miscarriage were 34% less
likely to miscarry again, compared with those who became pregnant six months to
a year after the initial miscarriage.
While the study did not
address the causes of miscarriage, Bhattacharya speculates that age may be a
dominant factor. For many women who decide to start a family at an older age,
waiting six months to attempt another pregnancy may work against them, since age
is itself a primary contributor to miscarriage. "If a woman is over 30,
then waiting another six months will reduce her chances of getting pregnant at
all and increase her chances of having another miscarriage, simply because of
the age difference," Bhattacharya says. "Our research shows that
there is no justification in terms of health reasons for delaying."
Dr. David Keefe, chair of
obstetrics and gynecology at New York University Langone Medical Center, says
that in developed countries, the primary predictor of a woman's likelihood of
pregnancy is her age, not when her last pregnancy occurred.
But that is not true in
developing nations, where it is more important that women have access to health
care to ensure that any infections or other consequences of miscarriage are
fully addressed before they try again. Studies conducted in these areas have recommended
a longer interval following a miscarriage, says Keefe, noting that such
guidelines were based not only on the toll of miscarrying but also on the
impact of carrying a baby to term. Health officials assumed it takes a woman
the same amount of time to recover physically after a miscarriage as after a
full-term pregnancy — about six months. But that is not necessarily the case,
since a successful pregnancy may deplete a woman's body more, in terms of
nutrients, than a miscarriage.
The American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists currently has no recommendations for when to
conceive after miscarriage, but many obstetricians say they allow women to
decide when they feel ready to start trying again — which in most cases is
sooner rather than later. "The guidelines have told us to wait six months,
and sometimes even two years. So our heads told us to wait," says Keefe.
"But our hearts always told us to get right back in the game."
The new data support that
instinct, he says, and may help more doctors and hopeful parents feel
comfortable about following up a failed pregnancy with another one as soon as