Is the flu especially dangerous for pregnant women?
Yes. Your immune system is weaker when you're pregnant,
so you're more vulnerable to illness in general. During pregnancy, the flu can
get bad very quickly and be complicated by infections such as pneumonia or by
fetal distress.
Of course, many moms-to-be who get the flu have no
complications. But statistically, you're more likely to develop a severe case
when you're pregnant.
Pregnant women who are otherwise healthy have already
been severely affected by the flu this year. Compared to the general population,
more pregnant women have been hospitalized with the flu, and some have died.
Pregnant woman with flu also have a greater chance for serious problems for
their unborn baby, including premature labor and delivery.
Flu typically starts with a fever, achiness, and
fatigue, followed by cold symptoms, such as a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing,
sore throat, cough, chills. You may have diarrhea or vomiting as well.
The flu can get worse quickly when you're pregnant, and
you're more vulnerable to complications such as such as pneumonia. Get
emergency medical help immediately if you notice any of these symptoms:
- Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
- Turning blue
- Bloody or colored sputum
- Pain or pressure in your chest or abdomen
- Sudden dizziness, confusion
- Severe or persistent vomiting
- Your baby's not moving as much
- A high fever that doesn't respond to acetaminophen
- If you get sick with flu-like symptoms, stay home, limit contact with others, and call your doctor. Your doctor will decide whether testing or treatment is needed. Tests may include a nasal swab (best done in the first four or five days after you get sick).
- If you're alone, have someone check on you often.
- If you come into close contact with someone who has the flu, call your doctor to talk about whether you need treatment to reduce your chances of getting the flu.
- Treat any fever right away. Acetaminophen is the recommended treatment for fever when you're pregnant.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Your doctor will decide whether you need antiviral drugs. Antiviral drugs are prescription pills, liquids, or inhalers that fight flu by keeping the germs from growing in your body. These medicines can make you feel better faster and make your symptoms milder. Antivirals work best when started within two days after symptoms begin, but they may be given to very sick or high risk people (such as moms-to-be) even after 48 hours.
- There is little information about the effect of antiviral drugs in pregnant women or their babies, but no serious side effects have been reported.
- Get the flu shot as soon as possible when it becomes available in the fall. It takes a couple of weeks for immunity to develop after you get the vaccine
- Wash your hands frequently, including immediately before eating, after sneezing, and after going to the bathroom. Use proper hand-washing techniques, rubbing both sides of your soapy hands for at least 15 seconds and rinsing with plenty of water. When soap and water aren’t available, use alcohol-based gel sanitizers that contain at least 60 percent alcohol or disposable hand wipes.
- Don't cough or sneeze into your bare hands. That puts the virus is all over your hands, where it can easily spread to others. Instead, cover your mouth with your arm and cough or sneeze into your sleeve. Or cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue and throw it away after using. (Many experts say the sleeve method is better than using a tissue, because handling a tissue can contaminate your hands and spread illness.) If you end up using your bare hands, wash them right away.
- Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. You may think your hands are clean, but if your hands have touched a doorknob, a cup, a refrigerator handle, or any other item that someone else has touched with a virus-covered hand, your hands carry the virus and can infect you.
- Viruses and bacteria can live two to eight hours on hard surfaces. Regularly wipe down surfaces at home such as toys, bedside tables, doorknobs, telephones, and bathroom and kitchen counters with a disinfectant, following directions on the label.
- Keep at least 6 feet away from people who are sick, including anyone in your household.