1. Fine-tune your diet – even if you already eat well
Almost all pregnant women need to get more protein, more of certain vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and iron, and more calories (for energy). If your diet is poor to begin with, making the transition to eating nutritious meals is one of the best things you can do for your baby's health.
But eating better doesn't mean eating more – or rather, not much more. If you start off at a healthy weight, you need no extra calories during the first trimester, about 300 extra calories a day in the second trimester, and about 450 extra calories a day in the third trimester. If you're overweight or underweight, you'll need more or less than this, depending on your weight gain goal.
2. Skip sushi, alcohol, and soft cheeses, to name a few
Steer clear of raw seafood (such as oysters or uncooked sushi), unpasteurized milk and cheese made from unpasteurized milk soft cheeses, such as Brie or Camembert, and Mexican cheeses like queso blanco and panela), pâté, and raw and undercooked meat and poultry. All are possible sources of bacteria that can harm an unborn child.
3. Start taking a prenatal vitamin-mineral supplement
In an ideal world – free of morning sickness and food aversions – a well-balanced diet would be all an expectant mom needed to meet her nutritional needs. But in the real world, a vitamin-mineral supplement helps ensure that you'll get the nutrients you need.
Make sure the vitamin you choose contains folic acid. (You need 400 mcg before you become pregnant and in early pregnancy, and then at least 600 mcg.) A lack of this B vitamin has been linked to neural tube birth defects (NTDs) such as spina bifida.
Another important nutrient that researchers now believe may help prevent NTDs ischoline. You need 450 mg of choline a day during pregnancy, and most prenatal vitamins don't contain it, so you'll have to get it from food.
Later in your pregnancy you may need to take iron or calcium supplements to make sure you're getting enough of these key minerals. Many experts also recommend taking a vitamin D supplement throughout pregnancy.
Strict vegetarians and women with medical conditions such as diabetes, gestational diabetes, or anemia, as well as those who've previously delivered low-birth-weight babies, should talk with their healthcare provider about supplements they might need. A registered dietitian can also help with diet specifics.
If you have trouble swallowing your vitamins or keeping them down, search for a chewable supplement or one in a powdered form that you can mix with water. Keep in mind, too, that more isn't always better: Don't take megadoses of any vitamin or mineral or any individual vitamin or herbal supplements without medical supervision – they could be harmful to your developing baby.
4. Don't diet while you're pregnant
Dieting during pregnancy is potentially hazardous to you and your baby. Many weight-loss regimes are likely to leave you low not only on calories, but on iron, folic acid, and other important vitamins and minerals.
Weight gain is one of the most positive signs of a healthy pregnancy. Women who eat well and gain the appropriate amount of weight are more likely to have healthy babies. So if you're eating fresh, wholesome foods and slowly adding pounds, relax: You're supposed to be getting bigger. Just remember, you're not really eating for two!
5. Gain weight gradually
When you put on your pregnancy weight may be as important as the total tally of pounds. You should gain the least weight during the first trimester (roughly 1 to 5 pounds) and then gain roughly a pound a week in the second and third trimesters.
Talk with your healthcare provider if you're carrying twins or if you're underweight or overweight at the start of pregnancy, as the recommended pace of weight gain might be different for you.
If you're overweight, for instance, your goal will probably be to put on about half a pound a week in your second and third trimesters rather than a full pound. And if you're carrying twins, you'll need to gain more than the amounts recommended for moms who are carrying single babies
6. Eat frequent, smaller meals if you like
It's fine to get creative with your eating schedule during pregnancy. If nausea, food aversions, heartburn, or indigestion make full-size meals unpleasant, try eating five or six mini meals scattered throughout the day. As your pregnancy progresses and your baby increasingly crowds your stomach and other digestive organs, you’ll have less space in your body for big meals anyway.
If you're most hungry between traditional mealtimes, go ahead and eat when the feeling strikes. Eating in a pattern that works for you will help you meet your nutritional needs during pregnancy.
Satisfying snacks are fine, but make your choices count. Limit junk food, which offers little more than empty calories
7. Treat yourself to something sweet on occasion
Processed foods, packaged snacks, and sugar-loaded desserts shouldn't be the mainstay of your diet, but you don't have to give up all your favorite goodies just because you're pregnant. Some smart – and tasty – snack ideas to try: A banana smoothie, frozen all-fruit nonfat sorbet, or trail mix.
Don't beat yourself up if you cave in to temptation. The occasional cookie or piece of cake won't hurt you or your baby.